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With Results Like These:

I rediscovered my passion for nursing in a time of uncertainty, turbulence, and lack of caring leadership.

"I'm actually role modeling selfcare,  not just talking about it!"

“It helped them greatly in dealing with the emotional stress and complications brought on by the Covid pandemic and its effect on healthcare and the workplace.

It's No Wonder Our Clients Are RAVING About
Our Unique Approach to Combating Burnout!

Leadership Survival Bootcamp  Registration Closes in...









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From: Tracy and Michelle, Bootcamp Creators

You are a Role Model

Think about it. When you got started in your career did you watch other leaders or look up to someone? 

Did you tell them they were your role model?  Maybe, but maybe not, it doesn’t matter because whether you told them or not you they were your role model.

Well, the reality is this:

Whether you like it or not or are aware of it or not...you are being looked up to and watched!


Clinicians need a role model for health and well-being more than ever right now, and they have one.

The question is... what kind of role model are you being?

If you are like most healthcare leaders you are doing your best to support the team and encouraging them to take care of themselves and prioritize their well-being.

But you’re making these mistakes:

Staying late most nights 

Taking Work Home on weekends

Neglecting Your Health

Sacrificing Time With Your Family

You're not role modeling health and well-being, you're role modeling behaviors that lead to burnout. And as the saying goes... 

Your team won't do what you say...
...they will do what you do!

But this is all ok! Because if you are like most healthcare leaders we work with you are are struggling to keep your head above water and you are barely surviving each day. 

You can't change what you are not aware of. So, the first step is awareness! And you can become a positive role model for health and well-being when you create your own personalized...Leadership Survival Blueprint!


Gain Clarity on what matters most and what you truly desire!

Helps you ditch old habits that don't serve you and negatively impact your health and well-being!

Prevents NEGATIVE and UNINTENDED Consequences by using a dual action strategy to gain and maintain positive results in your professional and personal lives!

Creates an EARLY WARNING SYSTEM  so you can course correct quickly!

And... it helps you create new habits that make your action plan EASY and AUTOMATIC!



And when you look around at all the thriving healthcare leaders you currently follow and look up to...

They ALL have and leverage these three things:

And if you don't have these then you won't... survive or thrive!


Mistake #1...Their Thinking

You may or may not realize how you define and think about balance can be a barrier to achieving it! 

How you define work life balance impacts what you expect and how you address it. 

Many emerging and evolving healthcare leaders we speak with describe balance much like it is defined in the dictionary, a lack of opposition or state of equilibrium 

These leaders see work life balance as an equal prioritization of both professional and personal demands or the equity between professional, personal, and family life.

When you define work life balance in this way it implies you need to strive for a 50/50 balance. 

If you are like most leaders, over time you learned that achieving a 50/50 balance between your professional and personal life was not doable, which then led you to believe it’s just not possible. Are we right?

The challenge with work life balance isn’t the description or definition it’s understanding the nature of the natural tension that exists between our personal and professional lives.  

When there is a tension between what you want (your vision for balance) and what you have (your current reality- a lack of balance) you have two choices to alleviate the tension.  

One of the ways leaders know how to alleviate the tension is to let go of the vision that they have for balance between their professional and personal lives and stop trying to achieve it.  Does that sound like you? 

Another way to alleviate the tension is to leverage the tension much like the tension between the bowstring on a bow and an arrow to move toward the vision.                                                            

In this Bootcamp you will shift your thinking from balance as a 50/50 act to thinking about balance as a tension between your professional and personal life.  This shift in thinking will put you on the path to achieving balance that is sustainable.



Or worse! Mistake #2...Using a Broken Strategy

When emerging and evolving healthcare leaders don’t have the life they desire they focus their attention on what's happening around them in their external environment.

You put your attention on the circumstances or problems like staffing shortages, increasing demands, and competing priorities. 

The longer you focus attention on your circumstances, the more anxiety and tension you feel and the more you experience the circumstances. It's a vicious cycle.

When this if where your attention is you are looking outside yourself for the answers. 

You may even start to look to something or someone else to rescue you.

How often have you looked to or wished someone else would “fix” it?

That's like asking someone else to do your push ups for you! 


To shift out of focusing on and working from circumstance you must move your attention and focus internally.  

Thriving and resilient healthcare leaders recognize they have to take responsibility for the outcomes they experience.  

They focus their attention on their internal state and the outcomes they want to create. They become the creators of their life.

As the creator you take responsibility for your current realities, become the hero of your own story, and you create the balance between your personal and professional life.  

AND... these are unusual circumstances!

As a healthcare leader you are experiencing challenges that have never been experienced before to this magnitude.

We know you feel conflicted every day!  Torn between caring for your team, showing up for your organization, and being with those who matter most to you.

It's seems hard to think about the future and balance when all you can do is put one foot in front of the other.

The fact is the tension between your professional and personal life is never going to go away.

And with over 20 years of leadership experience and facing never-ending tensions, we know it’s as clear and simple as this:

You Are The Lynch Pin!


The FIRST domino in the stack and when you go down...they all go down!

Your family, your team, your organization and your community need you to be YOUR BEST SELF!

You DESERVE to be YOUR BEST SELF in all aspects of your life! To not only SURVIVE but THRIVE in your personal and professional lives.

If you are not healthy and resilient the team and the organization won't be either.

And when you LEARN and MASTER the use of the Leadership Survival Blueprint, you can take that skill with you wherever you go and you can share it with your family and your team!


Looking at everything that is on your plate, all the competing priorities,
you’re probably thinking...

"But who the heck
has time for these things!
Not me!"

Well... has there ever been a time
when YOU enrolled or engaged in a program or activity when you didn't think you had the time? 

Of course! Chances are, you reprioritized things in your life, right?

You looked at activities that were nice but not necessary and decided to forgo those for a while.

Heck! You’re probably found you had more than enough time when you really looked, right?

So, you probably already realize when you make something a priority you will always find the time. 

So the question is... 

Where is your health and well-being on your list of priorities?



If you don't know us we're Michelle Troseth and Tracy Christopherson and we have been healthcare clinicians and leaders for over 30 years.

Like you we are high achievers and we've held leadership roles in large healthcare systems and in global healthcare companies.  

We aren't going to tell you we've been through what you have, because the truth is...no one has experienced what you are experiencing right now!

We have experienced significant challenges and struggles during our careers.  

We experienced rising levels of stress, exhaustion, burnout and significant heath challenges as a result.


 Two thing we learned..

#1-No one is going to do your push ups for you!  

 Honestly, we recognized if we were going to turn things around, it was up to us to make it happen.

We took responsibility for the outcomes we were creating

#2- You won't get different results, if you keep trying the same old unsuccessful approaches!

We used a unique strategy based on ancient wisdom to not only move us through the challenging times but to also create balance between our personal and professional lives that we could sustain over time.

We want to share our approach with you now in this 4-day virtual live Bootcamp.


A 4-Hour* Live  Virtual Bootcamp exclusively for healthcare leaders to create a personalized Leadership Survival Blueprint, so they can combat burnout, reclaim their life, and be a positive role model without feeling selfish, guilty, or stressed.

*Bootcamp sessions are only 1 hour each day for 4 consecutive days

 September 26 - 29, 2022

6-7pm EST**

**Replays are available each day immediately following the session

Click Here to Enroll Now!

...because you  (and your team) deserve your best!

What You Can Expect in the Bootcamp  

  • 1 hour of live coaching each day* for 4 consecutive days, with two dynamic coaches, so you don't have to figure out how to survive on your own.   *Replays are available immediately following the training for those not able to attend.
  • A Leadership Survival Blueprint, so that you have a clearly defined personalized strategy to survive the next six months or more in your leadership position.
  • Time during the Bootcamp sessions to reflect and complete the action steps with VERY minimal work outside of the Bootcamp sessions
  • Short sessions with easily digestible and highly valuable information
  • Access to a think tank of leaders having a similar  experience, so you can connect with and learn from others leaders like you. 

It’s time to prioritize your well-being (and your health!) and give your life the  makeover it deserves! Just like it’s done for our other leaders:


“I made a major life change that I would not have been able to do without having been in the Bootcamp." 


Mari Tietze, PhD, RN-BC, FHIMSS, FAAN

"It's worth spending time on you, to become the best version of you."

Vicky Tiase, PhD, RN-BC, FAMIA, FAAN


“I feel less frantic and have more reflection time and planning time."  

Kathy de Figueiredo, MS,BSN, RN-BC, CPHQ, CPHIMS

SEE what's waiting for you inside the Bootcamp…

Step by step instructions for creating your Leadership Survival Blueprint!

Day 1:

Going to the Balcony 


When you think about it you will realize to perform effectively as a leader, you must periodically pause and reflect, so you can see the bigger picture, take stock of your current realities, and gain clarity on what you truly desire.

What We Will Focus On:

  • Identifying your why and your fears
  • Defining your current reality
  • Understanding the tension between your professional and personal life


Day 2:

Clarity on What Matters Most Right Now

High performing leaders focus their attention on the things that matter most and have a clear understanding of the consequences, if they lose focus. 

What We Will Focus On:

  • Determine the positive professional and personal outcomes that you want to achieve
  • Identify your preferences
  • Determine potential unintended negative consequences


Day 3:

Putting Your Action Plan in Place


You probably already realize, to survive as a leader you need an effective action plan that is aligned with what matters most to you and that you can implement and evaluate over time. 

What We Will Focus On:

  • Determining action steps to achieve and sustain positive outcomes professionally and personally
  • Recognizing the importance of simultaneous action steps
  • Establish your early warning system


Day 4:

Accelerating Your Success!

You probably already know that having a  survival blueprint and implementing are two different things.

What We Will Focus On:

  • How to best use the blueprint
  • Overcoming your biggest barriers
  • The key to accelerating your success


And Check out These Results!

Click Here to Register


The Leadership Survival Bootcamp


 A 4-Hour* Live Virtual Bootcamp exclusively for healthcare leaders to create an individualized leadership survival blueprint, so they can combat burnout, reclaim their life, and be a positive role model, without feeling selfish, guilty, or stressed.

*Bootcamp sessions are only 1 hour each day for 4 consecutive days

September 26 - 29, 2022

6-7pm EST**

**Replays are available each day immediately following the session

Only $97

"My experience of working with Michelle and Tracy was exceptional.  They are knowledgeable healthcare leaders who are ground breaking in some of the work they do. Tracy and Michelle exceeded my expectations with the quality of the dialogue, and the lessons and tools available were remarkable and fairly simple to use. The concepts, once understood, are life changing".

Ann Shepard, MSN, RN-BC

That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!

The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know prioritizing your well-being will improve your health and increase your resilience, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. We get it. Like…

"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”

Well… that’s simple. Try it.




We want this Bootcamp to feel like a no-brainer for you, which is why we're including a zero-risk, money-back guarantee!

If after two days of attending the bootcamp event, completing the exercises and participating in the activities, you don't feel as though you have received AT LEAST 5 times the value of the purchase price, you can email 

[email protected]

(no later than the morning of Day Three) and we will send you a full refund, no questions asked.

And Because We Love To  “Surprise and Delight” our Participants, We’ve Got More For YOU:

When You Enroll You’ll Get


(Valued at $1,000)

Designed to Accelerate & Simplify Your
Leadership Survival Blueprint Implementation!


BONUS #1: 



All The Tools You Need To Combat Burnout and Build Resilience

You will have life-time access to all the training materials and replays so you can revisit the lessons when you need or want to adjust your blueprint.


BONUS #2: 

Leadership Survival Reflection Journal 

Just What You Need To Remain vigilant in evaluating your results

The struggle is real!  You may or may not realize how important it is to keep your attention on the outcomes you are creating and evaluating the effectiveness of the action plan you have established. This journal will help you evaluate your action plan, celebrate your wins, and course correct quickly to avoid the negative consequences.

BONUS #3: 

Dynamic Balance Accelerator Plan


The Process  You Need To Accelerate Sustainable Positive Outcomes

Consistency and vigilance are essential elements of dynamic balance. This process will help you keep your Leadership Survival Blueprint in front of you and develop the habit of mindfully leveraging the tension between your personal and professional life.


When you enroll in the, Leadership Survival Bootcamp you'll receive  access to everything you need to COMBAT BURNOUT. RECLAIM YOUR LIFE, and BE A POSITIVE ROLE MODEL for your team.

  • 1 hour of live coaching each day* for 4 consecutive days, with two dynamic coaches, so you don't have to figure out how to survive on your own. 
  • A Leadership Survival Blueprint, so that you have a clearly defined personalized strategy to survive the next six months or more in your leadership position.
  • Short sessions with easily digestible and highly valuable information
  • Access to a think tank of leaders having a similar  experience, so you can connect with and learn from others leaders like you. 

Today you can join this Bootcamp and receive step-by-step guidance and coaching on how to survive as a healthcare leader for just $97! 

Click Here to Enroll

I noticed every week the uplifting approach they had to things." 

Tracy was more introspective and curious and Michelle brings out the sunshine in things and would always have a positive angle.  Tracy helped me think through things more deeply and get to the value of what I was experiencing.  I think that was a great balance between the two for me. My expectations were exceeded.

Mari Tietze, PhD  PhD, RN-BC, FHIMSS, FAAN

“My experience of working with Tracy and Michelle was as expected, over the top, and personal and just the right pace." 


They were extremely nurturing and helped us to relax and lean into being together and learning and growing together.  They were always accessible to me and responsive".

Andrea Pfeifle, EdD, PT

Enroll Today!

Give yourself the gift that will keep on giving! 

 FOR $97

The Leadership Survival Bootcamp

for exhausted, conflicted, emerging and evolving healthcare leaders!

September 26 - 29, 2022

6-7pm EST**

**Replays are available for those not able to attend the live session

In CASE There's Anything We Missed, Here are SoME Commonly Asked Questions!

Before you go:


We know you have many competing priorities on your plate already. 

And the challenges you are facing are not the same as they have been in the past.


Let us ask you...how many of the competing priorities are related to your health and well-being? 

If the answer is none or close to it, you need this Bootcamp!


Can you pour from an empty cup? 


The obvious answer is no, but that's what you do on a day to day basis when you put the needs of the organization and your team in front of your needs. 

If you don't prioritize your health and well-being, no one else will do it for you. 


What can you adjust on your plate to make room to prioritize your needs for 1 hour each day for only 4 days?  


You may or may not realize how significant this choice is. 

We wonder if you realize that if you leave this site without signing up for the Bootcamp, chances are nothing in your life will change and you will continue to feel conflicted and exhausted.

Before you leave, do us a favor, take one minute and just imagine what your life would look like six months from now, if you did join the bootcamp?   

The choice is yours.


Leadership Survival Bootcamp  Registration Closes in...









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